Refereed Conference Presentations

Guo-Brennan, L, Guo-Brennan, M, Huayamave, P. M. (2022, May). The impact of COVID-19 pandemic on faculty engagement in global competence education: A transnational perspective. Paper submitted to Canadian Society for Study in Education (CSSE) annual conference.

Guo-Brennan, L, Guo-Brennan, M, Huayamave, P. M. (2022, April). Global competence education for All in higher education: Faculty perspectives and engagement. Paper submitted to American Educational Research Association Annual Conference, San Diego, CA

Guo-Brennan, L & Guo-Brennan (2022, April). Developing globally competent citizens and leaders for 21st Century: A transnational study on higher education policy, leadership, and praxis. Paper submitted to World Educational Research Association Annual Conference, San Diego, CA

Guo-Brennan, L., Massey, J., & Wilkinson, W. (2021, June). Empowering international students as global citizens: Strategies for critical virtual global learning. Paper presented at International Teaching Online Symposium, Windsor, ON.  

Arar, K, Bogotch, I.E., Guo-Brennan, L, Guo-Brennan, M, Wilkinson, J. Flaubert, B. C, Brooks J. S. (2019, April). Education, immigration and migration: Policy, leadership, and praxis for a changing world. Panel presentation at American Educational Research Association Annual Conference, Toronto, ON

Guo-Brennan, L. & Guo-Brennan, M. (2019, April). Building inclusive and welcoming schools for newcomer students: Framework and praxis. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Conference, Toronto, ON.

Guo-Brennan, M. & Guo-Brennan, L. (2019, April). Preparing globally competent leaders and public administrators: Examining policy, strategies, and practices in higher education. Paper presented at the Midwest Political Science Association 77th Annual Conference, Chicago, Illinois.

Guo-Brennan, M. & Guo-Brennan, L. (2019, April). Building welcoming and inclusive communities for newcomers: Strategies and recommendations for local governments. Paper presented at the Midwest Political Science Association 77th Annual Conference, Chicago, Illinois.

VanLeeuwen, C, Weeks, L. & Guo-Brennan, L. (2018, July). What learning in the community means for Kenyan university students: A hermeneutic inquiry. Paper presented at the International Association for Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement (IARSLCE) Conference. New Orleans, USA.

Guo-Brennan, L., VanLeeuwen, C., MacPhee, M., & Guo-Brennan, M. (2018, July). Service-learning and community engagement in international graduate education: Impact, opportunities, and barriers. Paper presented at the International Association for Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement (IARSLCE) Conference. New Orleans, USA.

Guo-Brennan, L., VanLeeuwen, C., MacPhee, M., & Guo-Brennan, M. (2018, May).

Transformative Service learning and community engagement in international graduate education: Impact & Strategies. Paper presented at the Second Annual World Summit of the International Federation of National Teaching Fellows (IFNTF). Halifax, Canada.

Guo-Brennan, L.& Guo-Brennan, M. (2018, May). A comparative study on global competence for all in higher education: Promising policies, strategies, and practices. Paper presented at the Dalhousie Conference on University Teaching and Learning. Halifax, Canada.

Guo-Brennan, L. (2017, December). Teacher education with global perspectives: Framework and strategies. Paper presented at the World Education Research Association (WERA) Focal Meeting. Hong Kong, China.

Guo-Brennan, L. (2017, June). Leading curriculum reform with global perspectives: Traditions, horizons, and complicated conversations. Paper presented at the International Conference on Innovations through Research Developments in Social Sciences, Humanities and Management Studies. Shanghai, China.

Guo-Brennan, L. (2017, June). Global competence for all in higher education: Promising strategies and practices from a global perspective. Paper presented at the International Conference on Innovations through Research Developments in Social Sciences, Humanities and Management Studies. Shanghai, China.

Guo-Brennan, L. (2017, May). Improving educational equality for newcomer youth through building welcoming communities: Policy, programs, and strategies. Poster presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Conference, San Antonio, Texas.

Guo-Brennan, L. & Vanleeuwen, C. (2017, May). Conducting hermeneutic research in international settings: Philosophical, practical and ethical considerations. Paper presented at the Global Conference on Education and Research, Sarasota-Manatee, Florida.

Guo-Brennan, L. (2017, May). Global engagement in higher education: A holistic framework. Paper presented at the Global Conference on Education and Research, Sarasota-Manatee, Florida.

Guo-Brennan, M. & Guo-Brennan, L. (2017, March). Building welcoming and inclusive communities for newcomers: Policy & Strategies. Paper presented at the Midwest Political Science Association Annual Conference, Chicago, Illinois.

Guo-Brennan, L. (2017, March). Enhancing the civic capacity of building welcoming and inclusive communities for newcomers. Paper presented at the American Society for Public Administration Annual Conference, Atlanta, Georgia.

Guo-Brennan, M. & Guo-Brennan, L. (2017, March). Community engagement in urban education reform: Recommendation for policy and practices. Paper presented at the American Society for Public Administration Annual Conference, Atlanta, Georgia.

Guo-Brennan, L. (2016, May). Empowering pre-service teachers as change agents. Poster presentation at the NAFSA: Association for International Educators Annual Conference, Denver, Colorado.

Guo-Brennan, L. & Guo-Brennan, M. (2016, April). Building inclusive and welcoming communities for immigrant and refugee youth: Immigration Policy in Canada and Prince Edward Island. Paper presentation at the American Educational Research Association Annual Conference, Washington, DC.

Guo-Brennan, L. (2015, December). Examination of education reform policy and program development from an international and comparative perspective. Paper presented at the Global Conference on Public Policy and Administration, Los Angeles, CA.

Guo-Brennan, L. (2015, November). What does global competency mean for higher education? Policy, program, and strategies. Paper presented at the International Academic Research Conference, Charleston, SC.

Guo-Brennan, L. (2015, November). Enhancing equity and excellence in schools through integrated immigration policy, research, and praxis. Poster presentation at Pathways to Prosperity National Conference: Responding to a changing immigration environment, Toronto, Ontario.

Guo-Brennan, L. (2014). Developing students' global competency in higher education: A comparative study. Paper presented at International Conference on Transforming Canada-China Educational Cooperation, Beijing, China.

Guo-Brennan, L. (2013). Reclaiming indigenous educational perspectives in large-scale curriculum reform. Paper presented at International Conference on Education, Economics, Psychology, and Society (ICEEPS), Beijing, China.

Brook, P, Khan, R. & Guo, L. (2012). International partnerships at a crossroads: Finding the best way forward. Paper presented at the Comparative and International Education Society of Canada (CIESC) Annual Conference, Waterloo, ON.

Guo, L. (2012). Internationalizing teacher education through a holistic approach. Paper presented at the Canadian Society for Studies in Education (CSSE) Annual Conference, Waterloo, ON.

Guo, L. & O'Sullivan (2012). From Laoshi to partners in learning: Pedagogic conversations across cultures in global classrooms. Paper presented at the Canadian Society for Studies in Education (CSSE) Annual Conference, Waterloo, ON.

Guo, S. Guo, Y. Beckette, G. Li, Q. & Guo, L. (2012). Spotlight on China: Globalization, market economy and social inequality in education. Paper presented at the Canadian Society for Studies in Education (CSSE) Annual Conference, Waterloo, ON.

Guo, L., & O'Sullivan (2012). Global classroom curriculum and pedagogy in higher education: Cross-cultural perspectives. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Conference, Vancouver, BC.

Guo, L. & Wei, W. (2012). Visiting scholars: Bridging and fostering an effective international partnership between universities. Paper presented at the Global Business Education & Research Symposium, Atlanta, GA.

Guo, S. Guo, Y. Beckette, G. Li, Q. & Guo, L. (2012). Changes in education under China's market economy. A report presented at the Education International 6th World Congress, Cape Town, South Africa.

Guo, L., Desveaux, D. Leger, M., & Stairs, S. (2011). Bridging the danger of a single story in global education: UNICEF collaboration with Canadian Faculties of Education.

Keynote Panel Discussion at the Canadian Society for Studies in Education (CSSE) Annual Conference, Fredericton, NB.

Guo, L. (2011). Preparing teachers for an interconnected world through the lens of global citizenship education. Paper presented at the Canadian Society for Studies in Education (CSSE) Annual Conference, Fredericton, NB.

O'Sullivan & Guo, L. (2011). Critical pedagogy in the globalized Canadian classroom: A complicated conversation on cultural politics and traditions. Paper presented at the Education and Global Cultural Dialogue Conference, Toronto, ON.

Guo, L. (2010). Understanding teachers' resistance to curriculum change through psychoanalytic perspective. Paper presented at the Canadian Society for Studies in Education (CSSE) Annual Conference, Montreal, QC.

Guo, L., & O'Sullivan (2009). Critical Thinking and Chinese International Students: An East-West Dialogue. Paper presented at the Canadian Society for Studies in Education (CSSE) Annual Conference, Ottawa, ON.

Guo, L. (2009). Toward goodness and harmony: East-west dialogue on curriculum wisdoms. Paper presented at the 3rd Triennial Conference of the International Association for the Advancement of Curriculum Studies, Cape Town, South Africa.

Guo, L. (2008). Local challenges versus global issues: the meaning of curriculum reform for Chinese teachers. Paper presented at Canadian Society for Studies in Education (CSSE) Annual Conference, Vancouver.

Guo, L. (2008). Understanding the psychodynamics of teachers' learning in curriculum change.  Paper presented at Canadian Society for Studies in Education (CSSE) Annual Conference, Vancouver.

Guo, L. (2008). Teacher education curriculum internationalization in post-secondary education. Paper presented at Canadian Society for Studies in Education (CSSE) Annual Conference, Vancouver.

Brook P., Guo, L., et al. (2007). Does scholarship of teaching include international students? Paper presented at the Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (STLHE) Conference, Edmonton.

Guo, L. Carson, T., Richardson, G. Yang, X. (2007). Curriculum reform and teacher development in China: an intercultural dialogue. Paper presented at Canadian Society for Studies in Education (CSSE) Annual Conference, Vancouver, Saskatoon.

Guo, L. (2006). Teacher identity reconstruction in oriental/occidental curriculum engagement. Paper presented at the International conference on Teacher Education, Calgary

Guo, L. (2006). A hermeneutical investigation into teachers' lived experiences of international teacher development. Poster presentation at the International Research Symposium, University of Alberta.

Guo, L. (2005). Enhancing the effectiveness of rural in-service teacher education in the use of ICT: Strategies, achievements, and challenges. Panel presentation at the International Conference on Improving Rural Education Quality through Information and Communication Technologies, Gansu, China

Invited Presentations

  • Guo-Brennan, L. (2017). What is global citizenship and why it is important? Northwest Minzu University, China.
  • Guo-Brennan, L. (2017). A comparative review of graduate education in China, Canada & USA. Northwest Minzu University, China.
  • Guo-Brennan, L & Guo-Brennan, M. (2017). Developing global competency for all in higher education: Examining policies, programs and practices in world top-ranked universities. Master of Leadership Program, Trinity Western University, Qingdao, China.
  • Guo-Brennan, L. (2015). Culturally responsive career preparation and counseling for immigrant and refugee youth. Prince Edward Island Chinese-Canadian Association
  • Desveaus, D. & Guo-Brennan, L. (2010). Moving minds: Path to global citizenship. University of Prince Edward Island.
  • Guo-Brennan, L. & Tsai, L. (2010). Understanding Chinese educational system and traditions. Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, Prince Edward Island.
  • Guo-Brennan, L. (2009). Educational traditions and curriculum reform in China. Faculty of Education, Brock University.

Professional Development Workshops

  • Education Abroad and International Risk Management
  • Professional Development for Afghanistan Teacher Educators
  • Integrating Advanced Educational Technology into Teaching and Learning
  • Education and Curriculum Change in China
  • The Meaning of Curriculum Change for Teachers
  • Curriculum Internationalization in Higher Education
  • Strategic Policy-making and Planning in Education
  • Student-Centered Pedagogy for Teachers in Basic Education
  • Becoming a Student-centered Facilitator (for teacher educators)
  • Student Centered Educational Leadership
  • School-based EFL Curriculum Development in Basic Education
  • Inquiry-based Curriculum and Pedagogy in Science Education
  • Instructional Design and Technology in Distance Education